We work within a range of sectors. The following tasks represent services which we have carried out for clients in recent years
Fisheries management
- Creating fisheries management plans
- Identification of limitations of fishery production
- Identifying opportunities to enhance and improve fishery performance
River restoration and fish passage
- Project management of river restoration teams
- Working with geomorphologists to identify potential opportunities and implications of proposed approach for river biota
- Identification and verification of most appropriate fish pass solution
- Design and implementation of post-restoration monitoring of fish species
Construction and infrastructure
- Pre-project advice and identification of potential constraints
- Regulatory and stakeholder engagement
- Surveys for habitats, fish and pearl mussels
- Method statement reviews and support of permission applications to local DSFB
- Design of innovative working methods to avoid ecology impacts
- Construction guidance including ECoW
- Pre-project studies into potential impacts of new approaches
Hydropower development
- Advice delivering best practice guidance for achieving consent using the following documentation xxx
- Pre licensing surveys for fish, pearl mussels and aquatic habitats
- Guidance on fish passage, both adapting current fish passes to meet changing flow apportionment and design of new passes
- Identification of critical flow windows and adaptive management approaches for operations
- Assistance with regulatory discussions and queries
- Engagement with angling groups and local District Salmon Fishery Boards
- Construction mitigation and guidance including ECoW
- Identification of monitoring requirement, design of monitoring strategies and implementation of agreed monitoring plans
Windfarm developments
- Pre-project advice and identification of potential constraints
- Regulatory and stakeholder engagement
- Pre licensing (baseline) surveys for fish, pearl mussels and sensitive habitats
- Reviews of historic data
- Assistance with obtaining DSFB consent, planning (EIA/HRA) and CAR
- Identification of monitoring requirement, design of monitoring strategies and implementation of agreed monitoring plans
- Construction mitigation and guidance including ECoW